Announcement: Kim Juda to serve on Advisory Board at Broward College

May 5, 2015 | Announcement, Events, JEA in the Community, News

We are please to announce that Kim Juda has been selected to serve on the Broward College Business Department’s (Accounting, Marketing and Office Administration) Advisory Board as a Business Partner. The purpose of an advisory committee is to provide assurance, through technical assistance and resources, that an occupational training program curriculum meets the needs of
business, industry, labor, the professions, technical trades, or the community it is designed to serve. The advisory committee also ensures that the occupational training program graduates are capable of performing entry-level skills in the occupation in which they are trained. An advisory committee is a group of employers and employees, from outside the field of education, providing guidance and direction to educators on the design, development, implementation, evaluation, maintenance, and revision of career and technical education programs. Successful advisory committees focus on innovative, quality programs. Because representatives on the committee have first-hand information concerning current business trends, technological demands, and realistic job requirements, their participation on the committee helps strengthen communication between education and the world of work.
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