Dec 28, 2017 | Associations, Board of Directors, Communication, Q&A, Residents
Q: Our condominium documents require owners to maintain windows. The board wants to encourage (or even force) owners to install impact glass. Can the board dictate the type of new windows that have to be installed? Also, why does the law require the board to...
Dec 20, 2017 | Q&A, Safety
Q: My homeowners’ association requires contractors to be licensed and insured as part of the approval process for architectural review. Are they allowed to do this? (K.L. via e-mail) A: The Florida Homeowners’ Association Act, found at Chapter 720 of the...
Nov 29, 2017 | Associations, Q&A, Residents
Q: I am a new owner in a condominium. The board has asked me for a key to my unit, but I am hesitant to give it to them. Can they require me to provide a key? (M.R., via e-mail) A: Probably. Section 718.111 (5)(a) of the Florida Condominium Act states...
Nov 16, 2017 | Board of Directors, Communication, Meetings, Property Managers, Q&A
It has always been the obligation of Board members to serve for the benefit of the entire community. Doing so requires that they carry out their duties in good faith with the care of ordinarily prudent people. To safeguard and promote the welfare of the community,...
Mar 15, 2017 | Associations, Frontpage Article, Law, Q&A, Residents
Question: There seems to have been a lot of change in the law about fining. Has the legislature finally made the condominium statute and the homeowners’ association statute the same on this issue? (C.M. by e-Mail) Answer: More or less. The legislature is getting...