Jun 22, 2022 | Associations, Board of Directors, Meetings, Rules Regulations
Does your association include facilities that serve and sell alcohol? Is the association property zoned to permit alcohol-related uses? Does your association hold any alcoholic beverage licenses from the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation’s...
Jun 15, 2022 | Associations, Board of Directors, Meetings, Rules Regulations
Many condominium and homeowners’ associations’ activities are required to have a certain amount of transparency. One way that association activities are made transparent is through statutory provisions requiring most kinds of meetings to be open and noticed to the...
Jun 8, 2022 | Associations, Q&A, Rules Regulations
Q: I understand that the Florida Homeowners’ Association Act states that if a request to inspect records is sent by certified mail and the association fails to make their records available within 10 business days, the statute imposes a rebuttable presumption that the...
Jun 2, 2022 | Associations, Q&A, Renters, Rules Regulations
Q: How can a homeowners’ association regulate owners renting out their houses to short term guests? If the association were to enforce with a penalty, how can it collect on it? (E.H., via e-mail) A: The place to start is knowing what your governing documents and local...
May 25, 2022 | Associations, Rules Regulations
Associations frequently find themselves in a position of strength when they wish to enforce violations of their convents. Where the terms of a covenant are unambiguous, courts will enforce such restrictions. However, it is not uncommon for an owner who has violated...
May 18, 2022 | Associations, Elections, Q&A, Rules Regulations
If your community association receives notice about a public hearing to consider or approve a development proposal on adjacent land, does the association or its members have a right to object? Yes, local governments must afford objecting property owners and residents...