Can a Florida HOA Reject the Votes of a Tenant Proxyholder?

Question: I recently attended the annual meeting of my homeowners’ association. Many absentee owners sent in proxies. The association’s attorney advised the association to reject several proxies because they named a tenant as the proxyholder. The attorney said that...

Hurricane Shutters and Florida Condominiums

Question: I am preparing to return to my northern home for the summer and intend to deploy the hurricane shutters on my condominium unit. However, the association is advising me that I cannot deploy my hurricane shutters unless there is a storm warning. Is this...

Pet Issues are Highly Contentious in Florida Condominiums

Question: I live in a condominium. I am an original owner and have lived here for ten plus years. One of the reasons I purchased a unit in this condominium is because they had minimal pet rules. I have two large dogs. The only pet restriction when I bought was a rule...

Surveillance Cameras: Friend or Foe to an Association?

Video “security” cameras seem to be everywhere these days and many community associations are jumping on the trend. However, while the safety of its community should be of paramount importance to an association, not all communities need cameras. In fact, video cameras...

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