Housing For Older Persons

In 1968 the Federal Fair Housing Act (also known as Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act) was enacted to prohibit discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Subsequently, in 1988 the Act was amended to add discrimination based on disability...

Keeping Your HOA’s Covenants Alive

The Marketable Record Title Act’s (MRTA) purpose is to extinguish old interests and use restrictions on lands and to allow for land sales to be completed more easily and with less expense. Unfortunately, aged homeowners’ association covenants are amongst the interests...

Boards Cannot Vote By E-Mail

Q: Can the board of an association conduct business by e-mail vote between meetings, and then ratify the votes at the next board meeting? (A.Z., via e-mail) A: No. Section 718.112(2)(c) of the Florida Condominium Act and Section 720.303(2)(a) of the Florida...

2023 Legislative Review Part 4

This week we conclude our review of relevant legislation from the 2023 Legislative Session. Previously we reviewed the bills that directly impact community associations through amendments to the community association’s statutes, including Chapter 718, the Florida...

2023 Legislative Review Part 3

This week we continue our review of the legislative changes concerning community associations. In our last column, we were reviewing the changes to Chapter 720, Florida Statutes in HB 919, the Homeowners’ Association Bill of Rights. In this column, we will finish our...