Association Borrowing Questioned

Q: The board of directors of my condominium association has been discussing taking out a loan to pay for major repairs to our condominium building. To my knowledge, our association has never borrowed money before. It seems to me that for such a serious undertaking, a...

Insurance Proceeds Should Be Bonded

Q: My condominium association is in the process of renewing its insurance policies and our insurance agent advised that we needed a fidelity bond policy with a higher limit for the coming year because of the insurance proceeds the association received following...

Boards Cannot Vote By E-Mail

Q: Can the board of an association conduct business by e-mail vote between meetings, and then ratify the votes at the next board meeting? (A.Z., via e-mail) A: No. Section 718.112(2)(c) of the Florida Condominium Act and Section 720.303(2)(a) of the Florida...

2023 Legislative Review Part 4

This week we conclude our review of relevant legislation from the 2023 Legislative Session. Previously we reviewed the bills that directly impact community associations through amendments to the community association’s statutes, including Chapter 718, the Florida...