Mar 25, 2018 | Associations, Meetings, Property Managers
An association’s officers and directors, along with their family members and anyone who has a financial relationship with the director and/or officer, are completely prohibited from entering into an agreement with the condominium association. Prior to July 1, 2017,...
Feb 23, 2018 | Associations, Board of Directors
Whether we call them mistakes, oversights, slip-ups or boo boos, we all make them including volunteer board members who are often hamstrung by both operational and time constraints. The new year provides an optimal opportunity to correct items from 2017 or even...
Feb 16, 2018 | Associations, Communication, Q&A
Florida community associations are permitted to send membership meeting notices and certain board meeting notices to the owners electronically if the association obtains the written consent of the subject owner. The association attorney can assist in preparing the...
Jan 10, 2018 | Associations, Communication, Community, Florida, Law, Residents
Citizens in the Sunshine State approved Amendment 2, which legalized the use of medical marijuana, by a 71% margin. Florida is expected to log more than $1 billion in medical marijuana sales by 2019, according to a report compiled by marijuana industry analysts New...
Jan 4, 2018 | Associations, Payments, Q&A, Renters, Residents
Condominium and Homeowner Associations are never anxious to take on properties abandoned by owners. Yet with the mortgage crisis many properties were left vacant for years. In the interim, unpaid assessments continued to accrue and the properties were ripe for...
Dec 28, 2017 | Associations, Board of Directors, Communication, Q&A, Residents
Q: Our condominium documents require owners to maintain windows. The board wants to encourage (or even force) owners to install impact glass. Can the board dictate the type of new windows that have to be installed? Also, why does the law require the board to...