Jun 4, 2018 | Associations, Board of Directors, Meetings, Q&A
Q: I have heard that a condominium board member can be removed from the condominium association board by a process called recall. What causes can be used to justify the recall? (C.Q. via e-mail) A: Section 718.112(2)(j) of the Florida Condominium Act...
May 10, 2018 | Associations, Community, Florida, Q&A, Residents, Safety
Q: Has the law been changed to allow grilling on condominium balconies? (J.S. via e-mail) Yes. The Sixth Edition of the Florida Fire Prevention Code, effective December 31, 2017, permits the use of certain electric grills on condominium balconies. A new edition...
Apr 5, 2018 | Associations, Board of Directors, Communication, Property Managers, Q&A, Tech
Q: I have heard that there is a new law requiring condominium associations to have a website. Is that true? (J.L. via e-mail) A: Yes, although the law has somewhat limited application. First, it is worthwhile to note that the 2018 Florida Legislature...
Feb 20, 2018 | Q&A, Renters
Q: My association recently sent out the annual meeting notice materials. There is a proxy question which reads: “Should the minimum rental term be increased to 90 days?” There was no other documents or discussion regarding the amendment included in the...
Feb 16, 2018 | Associations, Communication, Q&A
Florida community associations are permitted to send membership meeting notices and certain board meeting notices to the owners electronically if the association obtains the written consent of the subject owner. The association attorney can assist in preparing the...
Jan 4, 2018 | Associations, Payments, Q&A, Renters, Residents
Condominium and Homeowner Associations are never anxious to take on properties abandoned by owners. Yet with the mortgage crisis many properties were left vacant for years. In the interim, unpaid assessments continued to accrue and the properties were ripe for...